
Our partner InTraCoM Group wins two more awards

October 4, 2018

June  2018 was the most successful month for the Germany based InTraCoM Group: 2 new awards were given to the patent valuation specialist in Germany.  

The  international CorporateLiveWire Magazine awarded InTraCoM already the  second time in a row as the “Patent Valuation Company of The Year 2018”.

Global Award 2018
Global Award 2018

With  the award the strong engagement of the company in the banking sector  has been recognized: Patents are used as an instrument within financing  of companies using them as collateral. In this way especially small and  innovative companies with promising patents can get their patents rated  by InTraCoM in order to enhance their access to finance and their  financing conditions.

CEO  Dr. Dierk-Oliver Kiehne presents in this context at the international  “2018 Global IP Finance Conference” in Korea patent valuation approaches  that are used.

His  colleague and cofounder Prof. Andreas Zagos introduces patents as asset  class and asset instrument at the “AI, Machine Learning and Sentiment  Analysis Applied to Finance”-Conference in London.

Of  cause patents play an important role within Mergers and Acquisitions  (M&A), also: aside the value allocation within a transaction for the  buyer, for the seller patents can be an important price driver. Thus  after the independent value determination done by InTraCoM Group within  company transactions, prices could be increased significantly.

For  the international AI Magazine (Acquisition International) this was the  main reason the honor InTraCoM Group with the “Global Excellence Award”  as being the “Most Innovative Intellectual Property Solutions Firm  2018”. Patent portfolio valuations could be done using the indicator  based market analogy approach that is based on full automated as well as  manually added indicators in a very competitive time and cost effort.  Thereby the procedure considers in total up to 92 different value  indicators. On the cost side, the valuation represented only a fraction  of the additional amount raised in the sale. For buyer and seller this  was a mutual beneficial win-win: The seller was able to assign a fair  value to his patent portfolio that ended in a higher selling price, the  buyer himself received a confirmation about the total value of the  patent portfolio he acquired and was also able to balance the value in  the books.

With the new awards InTraCoM received 4 awards within 2 years by now – this is unique in the industry they are in.


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